What is a Digital Diploma? Benefits, Uses, and How to Get One

Unlock the Future of Education: Discover the Benefits of Digital Diplomas

Aug 19, 2024
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digital badges education

Is your switch to digital solutions complete?

Educators and schools worldwide are steadily turning to digital solutions to provide the best quality of education and service to students and reach them wherever they are.

The digital transformation benefits all participants, and issuing digital diplomas is a cherry on top of the modern education. 

Lightweight, secure, and convenient — while traditional diplomas collect dust, digital diplomas are frequently used, powerful assets in education, job search, and more activities.

Learn all about digital diplomas, their benefits, and how to create/acquire them below!

What is a Digital Diploma?

A digital diploma is an electronic version of a traditional academic diploma. It has a similar design, with an addition of digital signatures, passcodes, and encryption that prevents tampering and unauthorized access.

Digital diplomas are verifiable credentials that act as proof of educational achievements. They are issued by educational institutions through secure online systems and can either fully replace traditional diplomas or accompany them for convenience.

How Are Diplomas Made Digital?

Diplomas used to be “digitized” in two ways:

  • Scanning;
  • Taking photos of traditional, paper diplomas and using them online as JPEG/PDF files, making sure they’re high quality and legible.

Some institutions still accept this form of “digital” diplomas — but they’re not digital diplomas that we use today.

Real digital diplomas are genuine digital credentials with built-in metadata, encryption, and special codes and IDs that make them safe, verifiable, and appropriate to replace traditional, physical diplomas.

You can easily create a digital diploma in just a few steps:

  1. Open the free digital certificate generator;
  2. Upload your images and design elements to the platform, OR pick a free diploma template from our collection of pre-made certificate templates, and tweak design elements to your liking;
  3. Add digital diploma text: recipient, issuer, and program/course data;
  4. For authenticity, add your signature and a custom-generated QR validation code: it will connect the digital diploma to the verification page, and embed metadata that make it an authentic digital credential.

Virtualbadge.io users get the full suite: a digital credential platform for certificate, badge, diploma issuing, verification, and complete management. Try all the features for free for 7 days and see why 100+ organizations and educators trust us!

What Are The Benefits Of A Digital Diploma?

More and more organizations and individuals have switched to digital diplomas in place of traditional, paper ones. Recipients increasingly seek digital solutions, too — thanks to the many benefits of digital diplomas and credentials:

  1. Instant accessibility — Digital diplomas have 24/7 global availability: they can be sent, received, adjusted, uploaded, and verified from anywhere, at any time. They are particularly convenient for international communication, for workers applying to work abroad, students seeking foreign programs, etc.
  2. Enhanced document security — Sensitive recipient data is encrypted, stored safely on servers, and protected with codes and passwords. Compared to traditional diplomas, digital diplomas are extremely difficult to compromise.
  3. Fast and easy verification — Digital diplomas require no complicated authentication procedures: secure online systems facilitate instant verification even through mobile phones — Virtualbadge.io can be used without any additional software and installations.
  4. Reduced carbon footprint — Digital diplomas and their authentication software are lightweight, and eco-friendly, eliminating the need for physical delivery and paper (digital diplomas can still be printed if necessary).
  5. Cost-effectiveness — Without the need to design for paper, print, and send, and with administrative costs removed, digital diplomas are a budget-friendly option ideal for educational institutions with humble funds, and individuals looking for the least pricy solution.
  6. Online sharing and usage capabilities — Digital diploma recipients can easily share their credentials online: on social media, blogs, and professional websites. Digital diplomas are easy to send or upload in different application processes, through secure links, attachments, or quick uploads.
  7. Easy to update the information — While physical diplomas need to be reissued through a cumbersome process that requires time and money, digital diplomas instantly reflect all the changes and updates.
  8. Convenient to store — Digital diplomas are accessed through digital devices and stored on cloud/servers; unlike physical diplomas, they can’t be lost, stolen, or damaged by weather or mishaps. The credentials are always within reach, but completely safe from physical damage.

Digital Diploma Uses And Applications

These are just some of the situations where having a digital diploma can make your life easier:

  • Meeting tight deadlines — Left something for the last moment, and the task requires you to send a diploma? You can upload it with a click or two, instead of rushing to the post office/institution, or stressing because you missed working hours.
  • Applying to universities and jobs abroad — Digital diplomas are convenient for long-distance job applications, and proving you’re eligible to continue studying in a foreign university. Not only you can send it fast, but they can verify your digital diploma just as easily.
  • Handling the bureaucracy — Having a digital diploma is one document less to think of: since digital credentials are always at hand, you’ll never have a paper missing in local government institutions!
  • Moving apartments frequently — Students, digital nomads, and proponents of a minimalist lifestyle will love the convenience of storing the diploma online; digital diplomas can’t be lost and require no storage space.

How To Get A Digital Diploma?

For digital diploma recipients, the process of obtaining a digital diploma looks more or less like this:

Getting a digital diploma typically involves the following steps:

  • Check if your school, university, educator, or other relevant institution issues digital diplomas to their students. Many universities have already adopted digital credentialing systems and can issue both paper and digital diplomas.
  • If they do, officially request a digital copy for personal use.
  • Go through the process of identity and credential verification, to confirm that the diploma is issued to the right person, for the credentials they’ve earned.
  • Once you receive your digital diploma through a secure portal, email, or password access, make sure you store it safely! Follow the instructions provided, and never share passwords.
  • If needed, download a physical copy.

How To Start Issuing Digital Diplomas?

One subscription can help you handle it all — the Virtualbadge.io platform covers everything related to digital diploma management.

Schedule a free demo and let us help you start issuing digital diplomas today!

* You can find the organisation ID in the URL when you access your LinkedIn Company page as an admin.

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