Membership certificates

Best Free Templates for Membership Certificates 2024 |

Digital membership certificates are a great way to engage with the members of your club (or event, academy, etc).

These types of certificates can be used for an unlimited amount of use cases. But attention: These certificates are not to be confused with LLC Membership Certificates. These fit a particular use case identifying the ownership of company stock and must be issued by the entitled legal authorities.

The templates found on this page were created for informal use, or for usage where you are the entitled issuer. You are free to edit them, download them, or just use them as you please (no licensing needed).

Since membership certificates are extremely broad, here are some topics that you can consider addicting to your background design:

Essential information:

-       Name of the recipient;

-       Name of the issuer: Your company's name;

-       Description: If the membership gives the holder exclusive access, remember to addit to the certificate design. Alternatively, you can also add a website, where more information about that membership will be displayed with more details;

-       Issue date;


Extra details:

-       Signature of the responsible person in the issuer side;

-       Profile picture of the recipient;

-       Expiration date: Not all certificates expire, but paid memberships can expire or be revoked;

-       Membership number: Again, something that depends on your use case;

Certificate of Membership Template #1

Certificateof Membership Template #1

And if you are also adding the profile pictures of your recipients, this is how this design could look like:

Certificateof Membership Template #1

Certificate of Membership Template #2

Certificate of Membership Template #2

Certificate of Membership Template #3

Certificate of Membership Template #3

Certificate of Membership Template #4

Certificate of Membership Template #4

Certificate of Membership Template #5

Certificate of Membership Template #5

Certificate of Membership Template #6

Certificate of Membership Template #6

Also, this is how this certificate design could look like by adding the profile picture of your recipient:

Certificate of Membership Template #6

Certificate of Membership Template #7

Certificate of Membership Template #7

Certificate of Membership Template #8

Certificate of Membership Template #8

And this is how the certificate could look like by adding the profile picture of your recipient:

Certificate of Membership Template #8

Certificate of Membership Template #9

Certificate of Membership Template #9


As said previously: Feel free to edit these certificates as you please. You can upload your logo, change the texts and make them fit your exact use case.

For the pros:
If you are interested in also automatically issuing certificates with profile pictures, saving time on sending directly to each recipient via email, or exploring other premium features (like dynamic texts!) just start a free trial with here.

Anja Milovanović
Giovanna Pergher

Founder and COO

July 22, 2022

3 min

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