Collect valuable course feedback for data-backed business decisions: powered by Coursecheck

FREE Coursecheck setup + 20% discount on the first year’s subscription

Jul 15, 2024
2 minutes
|      by
Anja Milovanović
digital badges education

Don’t let the feedback from your training or course go to waste!

Many companies and educators don’t use the feedback they collect to its full potential — or realize the golden nuggets they’ve left behind.

Learner feedback is a direct indicator of how successful the training and development programs are. It helps professionals assess whether the training's content, format, and delivery align with the learners’ needs and expectations. 

Strong sides and areas needing improvement are revealed, and trainers can use the data to enhance the quality of the training programs.

Training feedback also uncovers the state of learner engagement beyond the passive attendance rates. Measuring and analyzing learners’ interest, effort, and active participation can help educators inspire and engage the learners, increasing the program’s success. has partnered with Coursecheck to help companies truly understand the learner experience and learn from it.

Coursecheck is a powerful feedback platform that helps training companies and in-house training providers collect and analyze learner feedback.

With Coursecheck’s training evaluation tool, users can instantly see the strong and the weak sides of their program::

  • Automated, easy-to-understand reports and out-of-the-box analysis
  • Simplified feedback collection online and in person, with survey links and QR codes
  • High response rates: learners can leave feedback with desktop, smartphones, and tablets
  • Act fast with negative feedback alerts and report summaries
  • Measure the success with follow-up feedback forms

Integrate Coursecheck with Virtualbadge to unlock the full feedback potential

Good news: all Virtualbadge users are eligible for a 20% discount on the first year’s subscription to Coursecheck, ongoing complimentary use of our AI integration, and a free set-up to get you started.

Join the forces and provide your learners with exceptional courses, topped with valuable digital certificates and badges by Virtualbadge!

* You can find the organisation ID in the URL when you access your LinkedIn Company page as an admin.

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