How to Help Your Learners Enter a Foreign Job Market

Learners looking to continue their study or work abroad need all the support they can get: here's how to adapt your program and communication strategy.

Jul 2, 2024
5 minutes
|      by
Anja Milovanović
digital badges education

It is challenging, scary, and completely new — when attempting to transition to a foreign job market, your students and learners will face completely different obstacles.

While they handle the logistics and legal issues, your task is to equip them with knowledge, and powerful educational assets they can use to get ahead of the curve abroad.

Find out how to adapt your educational program to future expats, digital nomads, and traveling students!

Providing Local Job Market Insights

The first thing to do is to research the job market in the countries and regions where learners would like to work.

These are the essential questions to ask at the very beginning:

  • Which industries are currently experiencing labor shortages and need more qualified workers? 
  • Or, the opposite: is their respective industry flooded with job seekers, but nobody seems to be hiring now?
  • Some industries, companies, and even countries (temporarily) enforce a hiring freeze — will that impact your learners’ career prospects?
  • In case jobs are plenty, what kind of knowledge, certifications, skills, and worker profiles are in demand?

Several resources will be precious to learning what to expect when seeking a job abroad, starting with local news sites. Browse through sections related to employment, but also economy, science, immigration, and education. The news paint a precise general picture of the current climate and everything that impacts the hiring situation.

Local job postings provide a more precise view, with specific titles in demand and corresponding job descriptions that reveal what you need the most: a precise outline of the most sought-out skills and requirements. 

Similarly, LinkedIn Jobs can be filtered to display jobs in a specific industry, area, or by certain employers. If you’re in for additional effort, browse the site by keywords related to your learners’ ideal job profiles!

Universities are another place to look for potential jobs; special departments work with students to find appropriate job opportunities, and it pays off to see whether they can help your learners.

Finally, social media, forums, and websites such as Reddit remain relevant for unfiltered, first-hand experiences. In fact, Reddit is currently going through a renaissance: since AI flooded Google search responses with suggestions such as this one, users are adding “Reddit” at the end of each search query to reach real people with real answers. There are also Facebook groups with expats that help each other out with housing, job search, and all the intricacies of transferring to another country.

Creating Targeted Skills Training

When they’re informed about in-demand jobs in desired countries, it’s time to analyze their current skills and knowledge to see what’s missing from their resumes.

Here’s a step-by-step framework to use:

  1. Conduct a skills analysis — Assess your learners' current skills and knowledge against the requirements of the target job markets, and identify the gaps you can help them fill. 
  2. Define learning objectives — Clearly define what skills and competencies learners need to develop to improve their employability. Keep specific job roles and industries they are targeting in mind; what you’ve learned while gathering job market insights now becomes useful!
  3. Decide on training and lesson types — What type of classes are the best fit for what they need to learn, online or in person? 
  4. Curriculum development — Design a curriculum that includes courses or modules focusing on the targeted skills.
  5. Measure the learning outcomes — Evaluate their knowledge with custom-made tests and simulations, and measure their progress and proficiency in the targeted skills. Collect feedback at all times and use it to improve the program.

Issuing Standardized Certifications and Credentials

At the end of your program, be sure to issue digital certificates and badges for everyone who completed it.

Employers often seek candidates who can demonstrate specific competencies and expertise, and digital credentials offer a proof of an their capabilities.

Unlike traditional resumes or transcripts, these digital credentials can be easily shared and validated online, allowing employers to quickly assess a candidate's suitability for a position based on verified skills rather than just self-reported achievements. This enhances the credibility of learners' qualifications and increases their chances of standing out in a competitive international job market.

For education providers, issuing standardized certifications and badges is a strategic business move:

  • It enhances the reputation and attractiveness of your programs to potential learners, especially those interested in gaining employment abroad;
  • Offering recognized certifications that align with industry standards or international frameworks increases the perceived value of your courses;
  • Your professional reputation is increased, which leads to higher enrollment rates and improved retention, as learners recognize the benefits of acquiring credentials from your program;
  • Issuing Open Badges helps you align your program with industry needs and expectations;
  • Digital credential management helps improve your program by providing concrete data on the effectiveness of educational initiatives in preparing learners for real-world employment opportunities, both domestically and internationally.

By adopting digital credentials and open badges, educators can also enhance their institution's visibility and credibility in the global education landscape, attracting learners who are specifically seeking educational pathways that lead to recognized qualifications with international relevance.

Hosting Resume and Interview Preparation Sessions

Great resumes and cover letters make for a good first impression and get their feet in the door!

Your goal here is to make your students self-reliant in the CV writing process since they’ll need to update it frequently throughout their careers.

Resume writing skills are some of the most useful to have, and here’s how to approach the subject:

  • Teach them how to highlight their strongest assets;
  • Explore resume formats appropriate for specific lines of work and regions;
  • Show how to keep the CV concise and relevant;
  • Deter them from “decorating” their CVs with over-exaggerations of their capabilities;
  • Explain how to tailor their resumes for each job posting;
  • Be another pair of eyes and proofread their resumes, if you have time to do so.

When they ace the first round, it’s time to prepare for a face-to-face interview, usually with an HR or a potential team leader/manager.

Aside from mental health resources that explain how to calm the usual nervousness before an important meeting, some technical tips will help them shine, too.

Cross-Cultural Training

Cross-cultural training is important for learners who intend to look for employment in the global job market or wish to enter a multicultural work ecosystem. 

By organizing cross-cultural training sessions, you will help students get to know the new culture more intimately. Taboos, etiquette, informal language, sensitive topics, and general awareness will help them interact with people from different cultural backgrounds with more ease. 

Here are some examples of cross-cultural training that will help the learners improve communication with their potential coworkers and bosses abroad:

  1. Cultural sensitivity training — Programs that focus on developing empathy and respect for cultural differences, emphasizing the importance of avoiding stereotypes and misunderstandings.
  2. Cultural awareness workshops — Sessions that explore different cultural norms, values, beliefs, and practices. 
  3. Business etiquette — Training on business customs, good office manners, and protocol in different countries, to enhance professionalism and relationship-building across borders.
  4. Language training — Courses designed to teach basic, advanced, or specific language skills necessary for the niche they’re about to enter. This training type should include verbal and non-verbal communication skills, so the students can learn effective communication strategies regarding verbal and non-verbal cues, listening skills, and negotiation tactics.
  5. Cultural integration programs — Show them how to live like natives, and help them adapt and thrive in a new environment, including practical tips for daily life and work.

Look for Collaborations, Internships, and Exchange Programs

There are dedicated, professional organizations that seek to help learners go beyond the borders and seek academic and job opportunities across the world.

Some of the more well-known programs to recommend to your students are:

* You can find the organisation ID in the URL when you access your LinkedIn Company page as an admin.

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