Prolong The Hype With a Post-Event Recap: Here's How

May 8, 2024
7 minutes
|      by
Anja Milovanović
digital badges education

The guests have left, and the curtains are closed — but for the marketing department, the work continues!

There’s a narrow time window after each event you can use to multiply the event’s effects. Within the first 48 hours, you should execute your post-event marketing strategy and reach out to attendees, no-shows, and wider audiences with carefully curated event materials. 

The post-event recap lets the viewers taste the atmosphere and provides value to you and the audience long after the event hype calms down.

There are several ways to approach the post-event recap, with various channels, content types, and outreach strategies you can opt for. 

Let’s go through all of them and help you create the best event recap ever! 💫

What is a Post-Event Recap?

A post-event recap is an event summary that showcases memorable moments and key highlights. 

It is a valuable resource for guests, spokespeople, stakeholders, and those who haven’t shown up — whether they planned to, or you’re targeting them for future events/conversions. The main purpose of a post-event recap is to re-engage the event guests, and provide a look into it to the ones that haven't attended.

By creating an engaging recap, you can extend the event’s impact beyond its actual duration.

The Types of Post-Event Recaps You Can Create

  1. Text-Based Recap: A written article that covers the event’s essential details, takeaways, and participant experiences.
  2. Visual Recap: A collection of photos, videos, and infographics that visually represent the event.
  3. Social Media Recap: Short, bite-sized posts on social media platforms, highlighting specific aspects of the event.

Everything You Need to Create a Post-Event Recap

Capture the Event Data

Before the event, plan how you’ll collect data. Use registration forms, surveys, and event apps to gather attendees' information, preferences, and feedback.

Create an Event Hashtag

Promote a unique event hashtag well in advance. Encourage attendees to use it during the event, making it easier to track social media posts related to the event.

Record the Event

Record keynote speeches, panel discussions, and other significant moments. High-quality audio and video recordings are essential for creating accurate recaps.

Take High-Quality Photos

Hire a professional photographer or assign someone to capture candid moments, speaker interactions, and audience engagement. Visual content adds depth to your recap.

Conduct Interviews with Attendees

Speak to attendees during breaks or after sessions. Ask about their favorite parts, key takeaways, and overall impressions. Incorporate these insights into your recap.

Collect Additional Materials

Gather presentation slides, speaker bios, and any other relevant materials. These can enhance your recap and provide additional context.

Provide a Sweet Bonus in the Recap

Consider adding exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes footage, bonus interviews, or downloadable resources. This encourages engagement with your recap.

How to Create a Post-Event Recap

Analyze and Process the Materials

Review all collected materials—photos, videos, interviews, and notes. Identify the most compelling content to include in your recap.

Outline the Recap Structure

Organize your recap logically. Start with an introduction, followed by key highlights, attendee experiences, and takeaways. Use subheadings to guide readers.

Create the Recap

Write concisely but informatively. Use engaging language and incorporate quotes from speakers or attendees—balance text with visuals for a dynamic recap.

The Last Check-Up Before Publishing

Proofread your recap for accuracy, clarity, and grammar. 

Verify that all names, dates, and facts are correct. 

Ensure visual elements are properly credited.

And now, send or publish your recap!

Post-Event Recap Timetable

  • Day 1: Collect data, take photos, and conduct interviews.
  • Day 2: Review materials and create an outline.
  • Day 3-4: Write the recap.
  • Day 5: Proofread and finalize.
  • Day 6: Publish and share.

Traps to Avoid When Creating Post-Event Recaps

  1. Being Too Lengthy: Keep your recap concise. Readers appreciate brevity.
  2. Ignoring Visuals: Visuals enhance engagement. Don’t rely solely on text.
  3. Neglecting Attendee Perspectives: Include attendee quotes and experiences.
  4. Forgetting the Call to Action: Encourage readers to stay connected or attend future events.

    * You can find the organisation ID in the URL when you access your LinkedIn Company page as an admin.

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